Tuesday, July 17, 2007

FREEBIE-Green Gables

Here is a sample of my latest kit.

Green Gables Kit

This is my newest kit. I wanted something more muted. I couldn't figure out a name for the kit, when I show the papers to my DH he said, "It has to be Green Gables." It was later that I realized, "Hey, that is like 'Anne of Green Gable' (which is a book I love incidentally.) But I think the name still works because the kit has elegance with lace papers, yet it is rugged with cardboard elements.

You can get this kit at SeasideScraps.com 50% through July 31, 2007

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

FREEBIE -Bowl Full of Cherries.

Here is a little taste of my newest kit. Download Here.

Bowl Full of Cherries

This is my latest kit, pick it up at Seasidescraps.com.